
Gwen returns to her mistress

by Darth Elsa
Storyline Wasp: Devilish Woman
Characters Spider-Gwen Wasp Thor (female)
Previous Chapter Doctor Strange investigates what's going on

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Gwen fired a webline out of her wrists as she transformed back to her human form. The demonic power given to her by Janet, having not only given her some magic abilities, but also enhanced her spider powers too, including natural webbing. She swung off back to Janet's penthouse, to alert her of Doctor Strange's intervention.
Back at Janet's penthouse, she and Thor were making out. Their hands caressing each other's breasts, and stimulating each other's cunts.
"Mistress!" a voice said.
Janet and Thor looked at the window and saw Gwen. Transforming back into her demonic visage, she entered the apartment. "Welcome back, Gwen. So is Parker under my command yet?"
"I am sorry to report that is not the case mistress. Unfortunately, Strange found me out, and saved Peter at the last minute." Gwen said, with a growl
Walking over to her servant, Janet frowned. "I am very disappointed with you Gwen. However, I'll let it slide this time, considering the circumstances. Strange is a threat to us"
"I'll capture our next target for sure!" Gwen said. 
"As for now, join up with Mary Jane! I sent her out to corrupt and spread symbiotes to all of Peter's former lovers."
A wicked grin came across Gwen's demonic face. "An army of Symbiote Bitches, huh? I guess you want me to go.
"With your cover exposed to the heroes, I can't exactly send you out to gain their trust now. But, I think having you coordinate the attacks of my army of Symbiote Sluts would be perfect." Gwen said as she teleported behind Gwen. "After all. That brilliant brain of yours would be perfect for such a task!"
Gwen chuckled before transforming back to her human disguise. "As you command mistress!". Jumping out the window she swung off, after Mary Jane.
"Mistress. I doth have an idea." Thor said.
"And what would that be, Thor?" Janet said.
"Sadly, Strange will be able to sense your demonic power at work. But I think I should be able to make thou something that should maketh thou something that should prevent thou glorious demonic might from being detected."
"Excellent Thor. I knew you would be useful in more ways than just sex and power!" Janet cooed.
Peter was still recovering from the shock of what had happened. "Strange? What's going on?"
"Demonic powers are at work. I suspect that Dormammu and the other demonic beings have been reborn."
"So that was just some demon posing as Gwen?" Peter asked.
"No. I am afraid that they have already gotten to her, and turned her into one of their own."
"Damn it. Right when Gwen is finally back in my life again, this shit happens?" Peter said. "Great, now I have to save both MJ and Gwen." Fortunately for him, his mental resistance training, and Strange's interference had stopped Gwen's hypnotic gaze before it was too late.
"Peter, suit up. We need to warn the Avengers!"
Peter put his costume on, then he and Strange headed out to Avengers Mansion.
The muscular blonde female used her hammer to infuse a sign into a stone. After finishing craving the shape into the stone she struck it with a bolt of lightning from Mjolnir, causing the symbol to glow. She kneeled infront of her mistress, and handed Janet the pendant.
"I hath engraved this charm with a runic charm. As long as thou have it with on, you can use thou demonic might, without Strange, nor others noticing."
Janet chuckled as she put the charm on. "Excellent work my loyal Asgardian."

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