
Gamora and Moon Dragon suddenly begin to swell with child.

by Gorel
Storyline Cosmic Species
Characters Moondragon
Category Marvel Transformation Pregnancy
Previous Chapter Gamora finds herself in heat as well, the two heading out.

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With her eyes fluttering, Gamora’s orgasm still crashed through her, setting her entire body rigid with pleasure. After two days of gnawing restraint she finally had the release she had been craving. She hadn’t noticed her form had turned nor did she hear her lovers winced cries before they stopped but when she let her body relax the Xandarian she had in her grasp collapsed dead face first into her translucent breasts. At that moment Gamora regained her senses, her eyes going wide at the sight of a perfect stranger wrapped around her legs and a bundle of tentacles coming from her nipples. Shoving the corpse off her with enough force to send him across the room Gamora looked to the end of the bed to find Heather on her side, her reptilian eyes fluttering with a numb smile on her green lips.




Slowly sitting up, Moondragon looked almost drunk. Her smile never left her lips and she swayed while sitting. Before Gamora grasped her by the shoulders to steady her. “Heather, we have to leave. NOW!”


“Leave?... Why leave? It feels soooo good.” Collapsing down into Gamora’s arms with a giggle, Heather moaned and rubbed her stomach, nuzzling into her friend’s large cleavage. “I can… Feel them, like little lights getting brighter and BRIGHTER and…” Suddenly sobering and lifting herself off the curvaceous she-creature, Moondragon looked down at her stomach and hitched a breath in her throat when it began to swell underneath her clawed hand. Like a balloon her belly inflated larger and rounder, forcing her legs to spread wider to make room for it while it filled her lap. Arching her back Heather felt her breasts grow heavy, swelling larger by at least a cup size if not more while the strained creak of her hip bones widening filled her ears.


“I… I can feel them! BOTH OF THEM!”


Looking down at her friend just as she felt back on the bed Gamora gasped when she could make out two blurring forms develop behind the translucent green flesh of Heather’s womb, rounding out to look well past nine months in her pregnancy in just under a minute Moondragon moaned and gasped, the rush of hormones clouding her mind once more until her moans turned to hissed cries of pain when her water broke.


“Heather I’m right here, just breath and push.” Grabbing her friend’s hand, she wasn’t surprised by Heather’s new strength or the growling hiss she gave when her first born began to crown. However, she soon found she couldn’t offer any help when she felt her own stomach began to bloat and grow. “No! No no no no…” Clutching her own stomach she felt to expand and grow heavy in her hands, her curves slowly catching up to her rapid pregnancy when her breasts ballooned larger and her ass rounded out underneath her. Ignoring Heathers cries of labour she looked down to see three forms grow inside her belly. Her skin acting like a stained glass window for her to peer into her own womb, just before she was distracted by her own labour and joined her friend on her back.




Nearly an hour later the two had made it back to Gamora’s home across the township of Knowhere, cradling their newly born children to their chests, who suckled hungrily at their engorged breasts. Unlike Gamora’s first time Heather managed to blanket their presence from the people on the boardwalk and street, appearing invisible to their mind’s eye while they ran naked back to home and shelter. Sitting heavily and cradling her twin boys like a life line, Moondragon moaned in exhaustion, her head leaning back to rest on the couch’s back, ignoring the sounds of her spines piercing the leather behind her.


Holding her triplet sons close Gamora leaned against the wall and closed the door behind her, sighing with fatigue when her rear finally hit the floor softly. Looking around she didn’t see her twin daughters anywhere, knowing full well they made a fair amount of noise heading back.


“Siri? Nimbus? Where are you?” Looking around she didn’t hear a reaction or response, something that worried her greatly. She was about to get up when her attention was taken to the two throbbing masses hanging from the ceiling, next to the withering cocoon Heather had come out of. Seeing the silhuettes of her daughters in their own chrysalises gave the green reptilian woman calm, her tentacle hair curling around her neck and back before sleep finally claimed her.


Deep within her mind just when dreams overtook her, Gamora heard the haughty chuckle of the voice in her head. “This is just the beginning…”

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