
The Wasp-Hulk swarm attacks the X-Men

by Gorel
Storyline She-Hulk: Going Native.
Characters Wasp X-Men
Category Marvel Muscle Growth Savage Nudism
Previous Chapter Meanwhile Tigra and her pack attack the Fantastic Four.

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The Xavier Institute, just outside the New York area…


Most of the staff and students sat around the living room, watching the news report of what was happening in the city. For the last few hours, the X-Men and their students had been watching the news, dumbstruck by the scenes of dozens if not hundreds of naked Hulks invading and rampaging through the streets. The reporter on the street desperately tried to tell the viewers what was happening before she was picked up by what looked like a giant blue amazon woman and carried off into the distance. Leaving the camera to drop and keep recording before it was cut… Most likely because of the massive orgy it recorded that needed to be blurred out.


“Okay…” Blinked Rogue, conflicted between fear and disbelief. “Should we be worried?”


“I don’t know, let me check.” Closing her eyes and reaching out with her telepathy, Emma Frost tried to read what was going on in the city and regretted it instantly when what she found nearly made her go cross eyed. “OKAY! That was a mistake!” Catching her before she collapsed, Scott helped her back up. “Are you alright Emma? What did you see?”


“I don’t know… It was like… watching a television channel that got its shows crossed.” Shaking her head Emma regained her composure. “One second showing a history lesson about cavemen, the next second switching to hardcore porn.”


“What shows are YOU watching at night?!” Chuckled Kitty, the rest of the X-men getting up when Charles Xavier wheeled himself in to join the others


“Hello Professor, have you been keeping up with the events in the city?” Asked Beast, turni9ng off the television when the signal cut.


“That I have Hank… Much to my chagrin.” Scratching his head and giving a look of a man who saw MORE than he should he gave Emma a look over and nodded. “So, you sensed it too yes? Like watching the history channel and several porn channels all at once… What a mess!”


Looking out the window out towards the trees and road that leads back to city in the far distance, Storm’s eyes narrowed. “What do we do Professor? If the city is being invaded are we next?”


“I dunno…” Answered Logan, sniffing the air. “I could smell the Hulk a mile away, don’t smell ANYTHING like him close at all right now.”


Huh… guess that’s a comfort at least, maybe we should play it safe and fire up the blackbird to evacuate the school.” Looking to each other and nodding in agreement to Cyclops’s plan. A strange tapping sound from the window caught their attention when Storm pointed it out. “Look at the size of this bumblebee, its like the size of a walnut!”


Stepping back from the window, Storm’s eyes kept on the big buzzing insect tapping against the glass, suddenly being joined by two more. “Why are they green?” At that second, one of the green bumblebees shot through the glass and buzzed around the X-Men, making everyone panic. “Bumblebee from HELL!”


“Its in my hair, its IN MY HAIR!”


“Somebody get a rolled-up newspaper.”


“Screw the paper, use a lamp! Ouch!” slapping the spot where she was stung, Kitty Pride suddenly felt her heart practically boom in her chest. Falling to her knees all she could hear was her heartbeat while her cloths got tighter on her growing frame. “Uhm… Kitty?” Sitting up and pulling her blouse open, the green skinned woman continued to grow bigger and taller, packing on muscle and curves until the rest of her cloths snapped and burst off her Amazonian frame. “No kitty, me LION!” Leering at Wolverine hungrily she body tackled the small man before the others could react, still dealing with the chaos of several green bees entering the room and stinging the rest of the students and staff.


Wheeling himself back and out the door, Xavier took one last glimpse of his X-Men suddenly growing larger and stronger before slamming the door behind him and making a desperate escape to the elevator. Even though he couldn’t see it he already knew what was happening. One by one his X-Men were being turned into Hulks, their bodies expanding to massive proportions while their minds were nearly crushed by raging instincts and hormones. Seeing the elevator around the corner, Charles thought he could make it to the black bird in time when he felt something sting his hand. Watching the green bumblebee buzz away he was immediately overcome with muscle tremors. Gasping and clutching his chest, his muscles throbbed and expanded, making the sleeves of his coat burst and stretch, gripping his chair with enough force to twist the metal he staggered out of the wheelchair, his legs suddenly working again and keeping him upright on unsteady feet.


Even with the rush of power and lust flooding his mind, Xavier still managed if only just barely to keep his wits about him, even when he finally brst out of his cloths and stand with a foot and a half long erection bobbing from between his legs. He needed to escape, but another part of him told him to stomp off and just… Rut, screw anything that moved and smash anything in his way. Shaking his head, he heard another voice in front of him, laughing like some giddy drunk teenager.


Looking up he saw the green bumblebee grow and expand until it became an eight-foot-tall naked green giantess with insect antennae and wings, sporting wide hips, pumpkin seized breasts and a belly that looked like she had swallowed a pig!


“Oooh, you big! Wasp Hulk like!”


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