
Virginia picks up the stuff for Tony

by burke_rakers
Storyline Strange effects of the Mr. Hyde formula
Previous Chapter Tony Stark contacts "Pepper Potts"

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Virginia Hogan looked at the glowing form of the Cosmic Cube as it floated in the anti-gravity bubble she held. She looked at the man who'd handed the package to her ('Dr. Christian' his name tag read) and asked "So, Tony says this is what he needs?".

The chief technician among all the science geeks Stark employed frowned at her and rolled his eyes. Why did the boss have to send his glorified secretary down here? Granted, she looked...different that she usually did. She seemed taller that before (must be the shoes), wore a mans three-piece suit (Armani?) and her red hair was cut short in a sort of 'metrosexual' look. When he'd first seen her, he'd in fact assumed the she was a guy. Granted, a guy with a cute face.
"Yes, Pepper. Something about Captain America. Seems he came in contact with something that...I don't know, changed him somehow...and the boss thinks that the Cube will be able to straighten his situation out. Must be something big if he's willing to use something as unpredictable as a Cosmic Cube."
She looked at the Cube - glowing softly as it lazily spun in zero-g - and asked "How does it work?"
"It's a little too complex to explain to even the most talented laymen..." he began, his smile indicating bored amusement...before he seemed to blink, then straighten up and continue respectfully "...but the Cube is an artificial 'hinge' that bridges 'Reality' and 'Unreality'. Each Cube is a pocket of potential 'Reality', that can be tapped and manipulated by a either a computer, or in rare cases a truly superior will. Imagine if you were an artist and the world was your medium. The Cube would be the tool the artist would use to manipulate the medium to suit the artists vision."
"And...it simply rewrites reality?"
The chief technician smiled and posed, her beautiful body packed deliciously into her professional skirt, blouse and lab coat. She wore glasses and her blond hair was up in a bun, but her over all appearance suggested 'naughty librarian' and 'hot-for-teacher'. She slinked up to Virginia Hogan and whispered "That's the basic plan, but...just between us girls...only the most impressive minds are capable of such manipulations without the use of some sort of machine. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
She skipped towards several other technicians, her blonde hair bound up into cute ponytails and her sexy body cuddled by a cheerleader uniform in red and gold. She shook her pompoms and leapt into the air with a cry of "YAY! Science! YAY! Science! Come on, guys! The company's really counting on us to think of some smart stuff! Calculators! Sliderules! Sis-boom-bah! Go, Science! Go, Science! RAH! RAH! RAH!"
The other scientists smiled and clapped their hands as 'Krissy the Science Cheerleader' continued to do the job she'd always done. She cartwheeled and cheered and sang catchy songs about their jobs, and escorted one of them to a back room every hour or so for a 'moral booster'. She was cute, silly and always happy...just like Virginia Hogan imagined she'd be. She left the complex and drove to the Avengers Mansion, not sure what she should do. She was obviously one of those rare talents who could manipulate the Cosmic Cube through force of will. What...did that mean for her and the Black Queen? Could she trust the Black Queen with this knowledge? Would the Black Queen feel she was a threat? It was amazing...but it also complicated her relationship with her ally at a very crucial point.
"I think I understand..." said Jane Foster with a knowing leer. "...you want me to help you fuck with mister 'Goody Two-Shoes' in there? Man, nutting would tickle me more...'cept maybe some action from a REAL stud like yourself."
Calvin Zabo was both aroused and disgusted by the creature Doctor Jane Foster had become. It seemed that Jane Foster's concept of evil was a mix of failure, corruption, shamelessness and immorality. Thus, 'Doctor Jane Foster' had abused the trust of her profession, becoming a criminal doctor who regularly sold her services to gangsters and criminals who needed some 'off-the-books' help with bullet wounds or plastic surgery. She wrote bogus prescriptions for opioids, steroids and diet drugs to several hundred addicts. She performed illegal abortions. She gave 'expert testimony' in court, always saying whatever she was paid to say. In every way, Doctor Jane Foster (now known as 'Fossy' to her few friends, and 'Momma Pills' on the streets) was almost a parody of 'medical corruption'.
   Her appearance was basically normal...but there were so many signs that something ws wrong, both inside and out. Her hair was darker, and though her face was sort of still pretty...but her mouth seemed to hold a perpetual sneer...her nose was slightly larger...her eyebrows grew together slightly...her upper lip sported a whispy but obvious moustache...a scattering of dark moles...her doctors coat was grayish and spotted with blood. Her makeup was darker and less natural, and her body was...somewhat larger. Bigger butt and thighes...slightly pooching belly...fat, wobbling tits...the start of a double chin.
   "Are you comming on to me, Fossy?" he asked, and she opened her purse and lit a cigarette...doctors office or not.
   "I'm just saying that I could go further if I teamed up with a man of more...flexable morals. A man...such as yourself."

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