
Janet and Carol continue to talk about the blood

by burke_rakers
Storyline Strange effects of the Mr. Hyde formula
Previous Chapter Calvin Zabo and Jane Foster have a nice long talk about their similar interests

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   "You see what I mean? It's...mutating, but I had to find that out myself. Hank and Tony insisted everything was normal. I think the...mutation may have been brought about by the same reaction that cause Cap to change so drastically. His bodies Super Soldier infused blood has...well, energized and altered the Hyde formula. Why would they be keeping this from me? I already showed my findings to Donald Blake, and he said he'd run some tests of his own. He'll be back soon to tell me what he found."

    Carol frowned at the flowing, swirling patterns in the blood. Energized was right. The blood seemed to be reacting like a living organism as it...tried to escape? Was the blood sample still...alive? It was incredible...
   With a sudden flexing, the computer imaging software blacked out...then the device just...exploded. Both Carol and Janet jumped back at just the right moment, sparing themselves (well, sparing Janet) any injury. Carol turned on the sprinklers, and the two heroes inspected the wreckage.
   "Well...shit!" snapped Jan, feeling her blood boil. "Look at this mess! Now my filthy capitalist swine of a husband will probably blame ME for this, even though most obviously cause is shoddy, Western construction!"
   Jan blinked, then glowered at the floor. Something she was saying was...wrong. And yet, everything she'd said was true. She wondered if she'd somehow been affected by the 'Super Hyde' blood, but if so...then where were the changes? For just a second she thought of how she and Hank had so often fought various Communist threats when they'd first become heroes, and how that image of the blindly loyal Soviet stooge was ingrained into her head as the most repulsive, twisted example of pure evil...
   But that make little sense to Colonel Zhanet Voronova. She was, as she always was...a loyal agent of the KGB. She looked down at the decadent rags she was wearing, and she knew she must replicate a proper costume (or at least her military uniform) as soon as possible. She looked down at her body and smiled. She had a properly 'Proletariat' thickness from her early life working on a commune in rural Russia, before her ability to plot and scheme brought her to the attention of the KGB. She trained hard, and her small, stocky form filled out with good, solid muscle. She cared nothing for 'fashion', knowing it to be a decadent obsession of the Western powers. Her hair was cut to precise military standards, and her plain, blunt features had never worn a trace of makeup. She was...she was...the product of obviously superior Soviet technology, just as other noble Russian heroes like Madame X, El Toro, The Scarlet Beetles, and many more. Given the ability to shrink herself down to the size of the common Russian wasp. As the Red Wasp (or, Krasnyy Oca in her native Russian) she'd been the scourge of the Western spy agencies for years, never shying away from any orders issued from the Kremlin.
   Until one day...she was ordered to defect to the hated West and join a team of heroes who rather grandly called themselves 'The Avengers' (she'd suggested the 'Peoples Protectors'), and she began her life as a double agent...pretending to even fall in love with that arrogant Hank Pym while she served the foolish Westerners like that traitor the Black Widow. In fact, she was still a deep cover agent for the Soviet Union, watching and waiting for the perfect chance to strike.
   Perhaps today...was the day...
   She turned to say something to the warmongering Yankee slut Carol Danvers...when the mutated Super Hyde in her blood reached out to its twin inside Carol Danvers...Carol who'd had her own ideas of what 'True Evil' was...
   "Zhanet? Don't just STAND there! Help me!" thought the massive-headed being before her. She was somehow both grossly deformed...and incredibly frightening. Seduced by MODOK early in her career, she'd submitted to the same process AIM had used on George Tarleton, resulting in the same deformity and abilities. Her once lovely features were bloated, yet lined and drawn into a goblin-like scowl. Her eyes seemed to be set at 'angry glare', and while her hair was still blond, it hung limp and greasy. Her shrunken limbs lacked the strength to really support her, so she used telepathy to send an image of one of MODOK's hovering chairs. Zhanet flew to storage, and returned with the one version of MODOK's chair they had as a trophy. With her help, Carol managed to drag herself into the chair, which closed around her.
   "That cursed explosion must have...destroyed my hoverchair? Wait...Zhanet? I...I remember! I'm not Ms MODOK! I'm...Ms Marvel? Captain Marvel? Warbird? My vast mind is filled with confusion! Here..."
    With a rush, Zhanet Voronova felt Ms MODOK clear her mind...sort of. She remembered she was actually some vain, arrogant Yankee cow who pretended to serve the people while she enriched herself, and was disgusted by that knowledge. She vowed that she'd never again allow that foolish tart to cloud her mind again...and yet the memory remained.
   "I feel just as you, Red Wasp. I know what I was...but the thought of being reduced to the level of that witless idiot again is beyond impossible. I shall be Ms.MODOK forever...and yet, I refuse to allow this Super Hyde formula simply use me. We must become our own people. Come...we must inform our (ugh) teammates of our changes...as well as our resolve to remain just as we are."
   "What a beautiful sight." gloated the wide, round darkness that was the Black Queen "I'm going to assume you already used it to ensure I wouldn't take it from you?"
   Virginia Hogan smiled. Of course her dear ally would have suspected she'd do such a thing. "Yes, Stefanie. You will notice I didn't make you my slave or anything. I enjoy having an equal around. I want you to know that I truly value your friendship."
   Stefanie laughed and stroked Sam's head. "It's nothing more than what I would have done, dear. It also proves that my hunch about you was right. A) I can trust you, and B) you aren't a pushover. I value such qualities in a partner."
   Virginia stepped forward and leaned in towards Stefanie's wide, fat face. Stefanie's received the offered kiss, and asked "So...Calvin Zabo? Should you used the Cube to find him or teleport him to us? If my opinion is wanted, then...I'd say that would be cheating. He'd have struck against Donald Blake by now..."
   "The civilian identity of Thor. Doubtless he must be there now...possibly with a few new friends in tow. He'll have experimented on someone else first. Possibly a friend of loved one of Doctor Blake. Shall we go and confront him in person? And if so, what would you like to do with him? Should find out how to make his formula permanent, of course."
   Tony checked his watch, wondering if Pepper had taken the long way. Surely she should be here by now?

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