
She scans the profile of others...

by Burke.Rakers
Storyline Master PC 2.9
Previous Chapter Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn

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   Harley smiled and flipped through the files she could access, and was astounded by the names that popped up. The all seemed to be people she knew or had at least met. She poked through the names of old friends and enemies she'd almost forgotten. She played around with a few people as an experament - turning an old college boyfriend into an dedicated drag queen. She watched as he went from writing proscriptions for a patient to squeezing his plumpish body into a wild Mae West costume before flouncing and wiggling into a stage in an Atlantic City casino. He sang torch songs and vamped with the crowd, making lewd jokes and sly winks as he slid from one target to another. Afterwards...a cute woman with a baby met him in the back and he chatted with her as he undressed.

   That...took Harley Quinn by surprise. She scrolled through his history, finally seeing that the man she'd just changed had met and married someone years ago. She'd not even noticed. Changing his occupation had effected where they lived, but not their relationship. She cocked her head, saw that the couple were still in love....then chuckled as she made the wife a full partner at the law firm she worked at. There. That should do it. Now the husband would stay home all day cleaning and cooking before heading down to the club for his evening performance. Perfect. 
   She continued to toy with random enemies and former friends - enjoying the liberating feeling of power as she turned driven, professional nurses, doctors and psychologists into whatever she wanted. One became a dedicated grillcook at a fast food joint, joyfully spending her days flipping burgers and running the fry machine and her nights playing video games and fucking her current boyfriend...who was always her fattest coworker. 
   Another former school chum who'd crossed her now remembered abandoning her promising medical career to become a professional ventriloquist. Her act was built around her dummy 'Rocko' who she seriously called her boyfriend. It was the truth. Anatomically correct and equipped with a massive dildo, the former medical student worshipped at the feet of her ventriloquist dummy, talking to herself in Rocko's 'New Jersey' accented voice as she rode his monsters cock. She considered herself a mere appendix to the more important, intelligent and handsome 'Rocko', and soon everyone was used to her constant chatter in Rockos' voice. Their act soon revolved around the running gag that she was just 'Blondie Bazooms' - Rockos' ditzy, stupid wife, and Rocko was a real old school mans man. She bleached her brown hair bright blond, flew down to Mexico for a cheap boob job, and now 'Rocko & Blondie' were a headlining act. Her face slathered in cheap makeup and her huge boobs on display as she set herself up and knocked herself down over and over again in Rocko's bellowing voice.

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