
They head to the Fantastic Four for Help.

by Gorel
Storyline Behemoth Issues
Characters Avengers Fantastic Four
Category Marvel Growth Muscle Growth
Previous Chapter All of the above.

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Five hours later the Avengers had managed to make themselves decent enough to head out of the mansion and travel to the one person close enough who MIGHT have an idea on how to help them.

Crouched on the floor with bed sheets covering themselves like shorts and bikinis the five burly heroes sat in a semi-circle as Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four looked them over, studying their current size and appearance with a notepad in his elongated hands. “Fascinating, most fascinating indeed… And you said this was the result of a meteor?”

“Yes, a little glowing rock that crashed in our backyard… Look doctor can you fix this or not?” Scratching an itch behind his neck Steve had found that his hair had grown out shaggy, even giving him and Tony a beard along with overgrown body hair. “Yeah do you have anything? You’re an expert on this kind of thing right?” Nodded She-Hulk cupping her arm under her cleavage to hold up her now larger bust, the hair was one thing but she was starting to hate how the remains of her bed sheet she had wrapped around her bust and waist was starting to get tight.

“Hmm… Let’s see…” Stretching himself back to his lab equipment Mr. Fantastic typed a few commands on his consul, seconds later scanning equipment descended from the ceiling and started scanning the five giants in the room. “My word, from the looks of things the radiation is still present in your system! You’ve become something of a battery for the energies the meteor was carrying.”

Hearing a stitch pop in her top Natasha bit her lip. “Can you get rid of it?!”

“But of course, this shouldn’t take too long at all.” Calling for his wife Reed began sorting through his inventions before coming up with a device that looked like a disco ball on a tripod. “I created this lovely device when I visited a planet with a highly volatile atmosphere, simply polluted with radiation. This device siphons ambient energies and converts it to electricity… Johnny tends to use it sometimes whenever we have a black out.”

With Susan Storm entering the large room she waved hello to her friends and husband while she set up a cam-corder at a safe distance, aiming the camera at the Avengers. “Alright sweetie, everything’s set.”

“What’s that for?” Wondered Carol just as Susan clicked record. “Oh Reed likes to document his findings, I got him started on it one night so we’d have something to share together.” Giving Reed a knowing look Susan turned and smiled back at the memory, giving the five a faraway look with the Avengers staring at each other and huffing in annoyance.

“Just turn on the damn thing.”

“Alright then, oh! With your permission of course I’d like to study the energies once we have it in battery storage if you don’t mi-“


Leaning back with a long face Reed stretched out his hand and activated the siphon.

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