
'Battle' Commences predictably badly

by TBLardmaster
Storyline super heroine crimes
Characters Wonder Woman
Category Prison
Previous Chapter Off to the Doctor

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Wonder Woman slowly swam towards the surface of the sea of unconsciousness, her addled mind trying to gain some comprehension of the position that she was in. Her bleary eyes finally picked out the leering guard, grinning at her.

"Having a nice nap there Wondy?" he smirked. "I wouldn't leave it too long you know - tick tock..."

The laxatives! She had forgotten them, she must act - and fast...

Wonder Woman may have had many flaws, but she was far from stupid. Without her belt, she knew it was a virtually impossible task to fight her way out of this situation, there were simply too many people and weight of numbers would surely overwhelm her in time. But everything she had ever heard of prisons like this, and the treatment she had already endured told her she had to make a strong show of resistance while she was capable of it, to make sure that the Guards and Prisoners knew that she was not to be trifled with. However long her sentence would eventually prove, she knew that all prisons had hierarchies and for her to endure it she had to make sure she was as far up that greasy pole as possible. 

This particular vile Guard would have to serve as the recipient of her rightful wrath - no Amazon would allow any fiend to take such liberties with their body and let him do unpunished. Taking him down would be the first step of building up at least some form of reputation. But she knew that she had to act fast. Her battered nether regions and squirming stomach lent her no security in her prized amazon constitution, and she knew she would need to release the building 'pressure', lest things rapidly end in a humiliation that she simply could not allow to happen.

"I am Wonder Woman, you pig!", she cried. "Time to show you what a superior woman can do!"

She sprang to her feet in long-practised skill, expecting to launch into her famous power pose. But instead she experienced her first dramatic setback as she rapidly became acquainted with her new limitations. Her enfeebled legs provided virtually no upward momentum from her seated position and instead she stumbled forward awkwardly. Unaware of the sheer size and weight of her expanding bosom, passing off the throbbing she felt there as an aftereffect of his earlier mistreatment of her proud breasts - now her uncertain footing and top-heavy frame sent her crashing straight down to earth. Normally her amazon reflexes would have had saved her even now, but now she was far too slow to whip her arms around to lessen the thudding impact on her mighty tits. And that impact sent fresh shockwaves through her body, a body that was in no condition to withstand it; and her bruised and swollen bladder released once again, more dramatically this time. It took all her concentration to finally cease the flow, her bladder control too weakened. Somehow she managed it, but too late...

"What's that honey?", he mocked gleefully "Fall on your fat tits and piss yourself a little more? Is that what a 'superior woman' can do?"

How she longed to wipe that smirk from his face! Wonder Woman knew to secure any sort of endurable future in this place, she had to demonstrate herself as a dangerous opponent not to be trifled with. This was not a positive start.

"Wh-wh-what I can do...", she gasped, shuddering for breath and struggling to maintain any sense of dignity, "Is show you - n-not t-to count your your chi-chickens! When I (pant), when I (gasp), get hold of y-you..."

Her voice tailed away as she saw the laughter in the face of both her opponent and their baying audience. She was flat on her face (at least she told herself it was her face), and gasping for breath without him even laying a finger on her. No wonder they weren't taking her seriously...

Instead she concentrated her efforts on hauling herself to her feet, any attack had to start from there. Now she realised the extent that her delectably deformed chest was having on her capabilities - they were simply too large and heavy not to have a limiting effect on every movement that she made. Simply springing to her feet was as far beyond her as flying through the air. So large were they, that she now couldn't even see her own nipples, and she was the only person in the room oblivious that another bodily fluid was freely escaping. Instead she managed with incredible effort to sit up, slide herself on her bottom back to the table where she started from, and awkwardly and agonisingly haul herself back to her feet. It cost her a great deal, her whole body dripping in perspiration, the simple act taking all the energy that she had and more.

Her mind raced with questions to which she had no answer - why were her breasts suddenly so big? What had happened to them? Were they - were they leaking milk? How? Why was she so clumsy all of a sudden? What was happening to her?

Wonder Woman nervously took a couple of tiny steps forward, even this movement sending her swollen orbs bouncing crazily on a frame whose fragility she had not yet realised. Now she tried to again pull her body into once familiar power pose, hands on hips, shoulders back and ready to take on any challenge she may face. She needed somehow needed to exert her dominance, and this was her tried and tested method.

But this time the impression she gave was far from commanding. Firstly, she was the only person in the room denied even a scrap of clothing, and her large and crazily jiggling breasts made a vulnerable and very tempting target. Those orbs were increasingly pumping out her milk, and the audience began to idly wonder what it tasted like. Rather than standing fully erect, she was hunched over, her feeble spine unable to properly support her increased weight. Her arms were now not so much posing on her hips as leaning heavily on them in near-exhaustion, shown off even more by sweat dripping from every pore. Her own piss still dribbled slowly out of her, the concentration she now needed to close her bladder divided with just keeping herself upright. The open laughter round the room at the pitiable figure that she presented reminded her that she needed to somehow take control of this situation.

"I... am... Wonder... Woman", she started, deliberately going slowly and carefully with her words, wanting the audience to remember them before she swung into action. "Time to see what a Superheroine can do... SQEE-ELCH!"

Wonder Woman's ravaged bowels were approaching the point of no return even faster than she had feared, and chose to contribute to her heightening humiliation with a catastrophic and billowing fart that came without warning and she was completely unable to withstand. Her poorly-assumed position as a 'warrior' suddenly changed as her face glowed crimson in shame, one hand going to her face in girlish horror, the other to her stomach that was proceeding to turn itself inside out.

"Phoo-whee Wondy!" the guard grinned as the room guffawed. "What you been eating? Nuclear Waste? That STINKS"

A shocked Wondy desperately wanted to deny it, but the smell was so bad she could almost taste it. She was neatly out of time.

"Ooh!" She whimpered, trying to think of something more compelling to say, being authoritative and ladylike completely impossible "I-I, uh, take THIS"

Wonder Woman lurched forward wildly, swinging her right fist as powerfully as she could at the tormentor who was clearly enjoying her discomfort so much. Even without her belt and in her current situation, her years of training and consummate martial arts skills left her with complete confidence of wiping the smirk off his face. But the very best punch she could muster was desperately ill-coordinated, completely wayward, and found only fresh air. Confusion flickered over her face for a moment as she threw another, to similar effect. Again and again she tried punches high and low, but the Guard ducked or swayed away from each and every one with complete ease, throwing taunts at her all the way; "Close! Ooh, nearly felt the breeze on that one! Didn't you say you're supposed to be a warrior?"

Within a few moments Wonder Woman was too exhausted to speak, let alone try to 'fight' on - her depleted stamina no match for her efforts and current condition. Bent nearly double, she leaned heavily on her knees gasping for breath, her mighty breasts swinging freely before her.

"What's up, are those udders slowing you down Wondy?", he said in mock concern "Can't you fight at all without your precious belt? I thought you were going to make me pay for squeezing those big titties of yours."

She was Wonderwoman! This couldn't be happening to her! However weakened she was, she had to find a way. She focussed all her concentration on to the sound of his voice, praying that his overconfidence would be his undoing, and she could finally at least lay a hand on him. One last time she hurled her right hand forward in desperation, barely aware of where he was and too weak now even to make a fist.

She missed.

But the one last effort was too much for her, and with horror an even louder cacophonous rumble than before announced with certainty that her time was up. Not only had she dismally failed to even lay a hand on him, she had spent much time and effort trying to she had literally nothing left with which to fight the inevitable.

And as the world poured unhindered out of her ass in a diarrhetic mess, all Wonder Woman could do was sob tears of bitter defeat.

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