
Felicia Hardy is surprised to find herself just slightly larger than MJ these days, but quickly ensures that MJ starts catching up with Peter's help.

by Fanfic Fetishist
Storyline The Anti-Diet
Characters Black Cat Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Spider-Man
Category Fat
Previous Chapter Wonder Woman meets up with Batman and Superman for a friendly diner chat.

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Black Cat looked herself over in the mirror, pleased with the changes made in her body since she had started this rather nonsensical plan. She had gained a prominent belly from her eating, but the main thrust of her added fat had gone to her curves. Her breasts had gained a couple cup-sizes, and her ass was now too big for her panties.

She giggled, licking her lips, and helped herself to yet another pastry, savoring the cream-filled treat. It was difficult to maintain her agility at this size, but she had managed it so far by mixing in training with her eating.

She looked over at her gaining partner, Mary Jane, and shook her head with a smirk. Mary Jane was less active than she was, not having to actively train to remain an effective superhero. And yet, somehow, she was actually a little smaller than Black Cat herself.

Most of Mary Jane's new fat had settled in her ass and hips, making it difficult for the red-headed beauty to pull on her pants. Black Cat watched in amusement for a few moments as Mary-Jane struggled to fit her current jeans over her ample posterior before giving up and going for a pair of sweatpants.

“Having trouble?” she teased.

Mary Jane stuck her tongue out at Black Cat, who just giggled. The redheaded beauty sighed, searching through her closet for some sweatpants, silently grateful that she had Black Cat and her husband to help her through this. The idea of gaining weight on purpose bothered her, the former model far more used to dieting and exercise to stay slim. But having Peter's constant support and Black Cat gaining alongside her made things much easier for her.

“I'll have to start shopping for new clothes again,” Mary-Jane said. “I've literally gotten too big for my britches.”

“You could be a bit bigger, if you really applied yourself,” Black Cat said.

“I know, I know,” Mary-Jane said, turning to look at Black Cat. “But it still feels weird.”

Black Cat stroked her chin (mildly amused by the fact that she was starting to get a slight double chin)thoughtfully. “Well, we've just been eating heavier meals... Maybe there's something that can make it more... fun...” She trailed off,staring at the spare Spider-Man costume in the closet, hidden by Peter's other clothes. A grin came over her face.

Mary-Jane frowned. “...Last person who smiled at me like that was Venom. What are you up to?” she said cautiously.

Black Cat started to say something, when Spider-Man swung in the window, sighing.

“Whew! Busy day today. Seven muggings, Vulture being uppity, and a meeting with JJJ,” he said,stripping off his mask. “Looking forward to tonight, girls, let me tell you...”

“No, let ME tell you,” Black Cat said, sidling up to him and whispering quickly into his ear.

Spider-Man smirked. “Eheh...” he said.

Mary-Jane grinned nervously. “How worried should I be right now?” she said.

“You know how sometimes you like to be webbed up when we have sex?” Peter asked.

Mary-Jane blushed, getting an idea. Black Cat looked surprised.

“Egad. You DO have a kinky side,”she teased.

“I'll have you know, Felicia, that I was quite the party girl in my youth,” Mary-Jane said, grinning.

Black Cat smirked. “Then you like the idea of kinky bondage feeding sessions,” she said.

Mary-Jane grinned wickedly. “Oh yes. Especially if I'm not the only one tied up,” she said.

Black Cat blinked, and turned to Spider-Man, who was calmly refilling his web-shooters with an evil smirk on his face.

“Gah!” Black Cat said, no tdispleased in the slightest by this turn of events. “I been had!”

“Not yet, but soon,” Spider-Man said matter-of-factly.

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