
The Behemoth Avengers return to the mansion, finally getting a chance to rest.

by Gorel
Storyline Behemoth Issues
Characters Avengers
Category Marvel Transformation Growth WG Pregnancy
Previous Chapter Making it to the city, the Behemoths go to Pym for help.

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Finally at a manageable size but still completely changed the five Avengers were thankful Pym had cloths that could fit them all but were still stuck in the city on foot… Since the cab they called got scared off and drove away. Forced to make their way home on foot they counted their blessings that it wasn’t too far away. Even though the jaunt took less than two hours of travel on the sidewalks it felt like half a day’s work what with Steve and Stark stopping to help soothe the others who were by now well past due.

Natasha leaned against a brick wall cradling her belly under her six claws, feeling each kick and jolt that met her palms, even under all her black fur she looked sweaty. The shorts and top despite made to stretch to its wearer looked painted on her bulky frame, the sweat and driblets of breast milk stained the fabric of her top, almost making it see through. Carol wore the same thing, her blue fur showing even under the red fabric of her top and shorts, catching her breath her tongue lolled out of her fanged mouth to catch her breath. Jennifer was wearing a muumuu, the curves of her bulk making it almost skin tight. What’s worse was she realized she should have opted with shorts like the others since her bulky tail rode her skirt up.

"How much… ‘Pant’… Longer?"

"Almost there Natasha, here let me help you." Wrapping his large arm around her waist Steve heard Black Widow swoon before pressing herself up against him for support, the sides of her belly and breasts pressing up against him and making him feel a stiffness rise again in the shorts he managed to get. Slowly but surely the five transformed heroes made it back to the mansion… But not without hearing over an hour of jeers and cat calls.

"Holy Shit! It’s the wild things from that kids show!"


"Shave dem legs girl you’re getting shaggy."

"Hey the Muppets theatre is that way guys!"

Crossing the threshold of the mansion gates the Avengers made their way through the double doors and slammed them shut. "Assholes!" Scratching her leg the She-Hulk huffed and sat heavily on the couch, sighing in relief and comfort now that she wasn’t on her feet anymore. Carol joined her on the other side, her wings flexing up before laying back behind her like a coat. "At least we’re home now… damn this is going to take some getting used to."

Hearing a stomach growl among them all everyone frowned. "Oh come on! How can I be hungry at a time like this?!" Shaking his head Cap headed off towards the kitchen, tugging his shorts to pull them back down over his thick legs. Opening the fridge and pulling out some fresh burger Steve was relieved that he was still in control, the smell of ground beef wasn’t setting him off or making him dizzy. Putting the pound of beef on a skillet he began to work on some food for himself and the others, just when he was about to get some pasta he felt a pair of arms press up against his back. "Ouch, these spines are sharp." Looking over his shoulder Cap could see Natasha tracing her clawed fingers up the lengths of his spinal ridges, the rest of her arms still rubbing her belly to calm the activity inside. Turning to face her his gut pressed lightly against her crowded womb, actually feeling the kicks meet up against him. "I wonder if they’re yours or Starks, they certainly like to make a fuss."

"What do you mean ‘They’?" Wondered Steve looking down at the black furry orb pressed against his blonde furred paunch. With a soft smile Natasha took both his claws in hers and guided them down to her belly. "Here’s one, there’s another, and one down here ‘gasp’ and up here too." Feeling the kicks meet his paws Cap didn’t notice that he and Natasha’s muzzles were leaning closer. "Well if they aren’t yours… Then maybe…" Seeing each other eye to eye the two behemoths were motionless until Black Widow leaned in and kissed the man-beast deeply, moaning into his mouth before pulling away. "Then maybe next time…" Pulling away and heading back into the living room Steve’s eyes were glued to her swaying rear, his erection already tenting his new shorts and threatening to tear them. A sizzling sound behind him reminded him that he was still cooking and he shook himself to return to cooking.

After half an hour the living room was filled with the smell of pasta, followed by Steve stomping his way into the living room. "Dinner’s ready." He called out, offering plates to the rest of the team sitting around the living room, Natasha continued to give him a coy look accepting the plate with a silent thank you.

"Well since were back, and shit hit the fan royal I guess I’ll head back own to the lab and see what I can cook up to make us presentable… Dear God I hope we don’t need litter boxes."

"Hey do you mind?!" Glared Jen swirling the pasta on her plate with a fork. "This is the first bit of actual food in the last two days I’d like not to get sick before eating it." Shrugging at the green furred beast woman Stark looked to the others giggling at the scene before taking a bite of their dinner.

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