
Firestar has one last trick up her sleeve

by TBLardmaster
Storyline Superheroine Takedown
Characters Fire
Previous Chapter The Heroines get better acquainted with their host

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"Why are you in such a hurry sweetcheeks?", he grinned. "I offer you my hospitality, and all you've done so far is break wind. Hardly heroic, and not remotely ladylike. Don't you think you should be trying to make me your 'Superfriend' rather than trying to run out on me?" He stepped closer, freely kneading her helpless breasts in his hands, sniggering as she again failed to push him away.

Firestar was used to being the smartest woman in the room, a beautiful brainiac with he ability to think her way out of any situation. But now her mind felt uncertain, clouded; grotesquely insufficient for the task in hand. She couldn't fight him off or escape, and even trying to resist her meagre resources. Why was she so weak? Why were her boobs so big? And so TENDER? His manhandling - it was as much as she could handle. If she didn't change this situation fast; she'd be humiliating herself as badly as Wonder Woman...

She gambled, she had no choice. Surely her once-formidable powers wouldn't have completely deserted her. She'd make him regret his crude manhandling of her - if she could focus for a moment, regain at least some measure of her abilities, she could light up; if she couldn't immolate him immediately, she might at least burn him madly enough to regret treating women in this way, and buy some precious time, time that maybe she and her colleagues may yet recover some initiative and end this nightmare. But she yet hoped to fry him on the spot, he deserved it tenfold for his indignities against her and her friends.

Uncertainly she stumbled closer, attempting to use her naked form as a deadly weapon. She'd anticipated grabbing him herself, but instead her feet slipped, and she collapsed limply into his waiting arms, arms that released their grip on her breasts to instead grasp her in a dominating bear hug, one hand crushing her huge chest unto himself, the other dipping below the small of her back to caress her perfect derriere.

"Well, HELLO Angelica" he grinned. "SO nice to make your closer acquaintance. Did you want to give me something?" He calmly ran his fingers down the crack of her delectable ass, dived deeper between her legs, and they entertained themselves in a soft warm home.

"N-no!" She protested feebly, unwanted sensations pouring unhindered through her body. Any attempt at rational planning or discussion was now completely beyond her. "Yes (gasp), I mean, take (pant) THIS"

One more time Angelica Jones frantically tried to energise her powers, to turn herself into a living fireball, and make him deeply regret his infernal embrace. But no longer was she able to focus her mind in the way she anticipated; only hindered further by her proximity to an inevitable and incomprehensible climax. She didn't even begin to reclaim any abilities, powers that were now permanently revoked; instead she collapsed in a shuddering and utterly humiliating orgasm.

But her unfortunate side-effect of attempting to marshal her former powers not only remained but was multiplied in her moment of indiscretion. This time she felt her bowels open completely - and with them her bladder. He threw her to the floor in mock disgust

"Take WHAT?" He sneered. "Are you going to defeat me by soiling yourself?" His only response was a bitter sob, as she failed to regain proper control of her convulsing limbs, and she had simply nothing with which to strike back.

He strolled casually over to the stricken Mary Marvel, still gasping helplessly for breath under the two medicine balls that her once-petite bust had become. As she saw him advance on her, sheer fear saw her stupidly attempt to energise herself one more time; succeeding only in a further debilitating electrical charge striking both breasts; increasing their diameter and mass still further and sending out twin streams of milk that bounced off the ceiling and fell upon the deeply slumbering Powergirl. She wailed in despair and terror as he bent down and smiled at her evilly; knowing full well that the demure heroine was simply mortified at finding herself in this state with any man.

"Hi Mary", he grinned. "Don't worry, we're going to get to know each other much better soon". He relished the look of sheer terror that spread across her face at the prospect of what he might do to her. "Angelica over there has had an embarrassing accident, and needs a bit of cleaning up. I hope you don't mind..." With that he calmly grabbed her little skirt and tore it from her with minimal force, his free hand again tracing a path down through the cleavage to her once-inviolate holiest-of-holies, and strolled back to Firestar with the desperate whimper of 'Shazam' in his ears; panic far stronger than any sane reasoning.      

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