
Madam Viper and Hydra are attacking the UN.

by Gorel
Storyline Tigra; Seeing Stripes!
Characters Avengers Tigra
Category Marvel
Previous Chapter Tigra tries to find something better to wear.

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Surrounding the grounds and the front lot of the UN building a battalion of armed HYDRA guards fired back at police and SHIELD agents already arriving on the scene, while their leader was inside carrying out her plans. Cowering from the energy rifles aimed at them the world leaders watched from their seats at the woman standing at the center of the great auditorium. Madam Viper smiled behind the drape of her silky black hair covering half of her face, her men keeping her ‘audience’ seated while she made her demands.

"You shall all bow before the might of HYDRA, nothing you do will thwart us, nothing you do can stop us, for every head you cut… Two more shall take its place." Smiling as her guards chanted ‘Hail HYDRA’ to her pronouncement she continued. "Your nations shall surrender to US or else we shall lay waste to this hovel and all who represent under its roof!" With the collective whimpers of all of her hostages filling Madam Viper’s ears another sound boomed outside.

The sound of thunder!

At that second the roof was shot through with an intense force from outside but was focused enough that the entire building didn’t cave in, hovering just a few meters overhead the woman’s presence was Thor; God of Thunder, glaring down at the HYDRA leader with Mjolnir crackling with static lightning. "YIELD WITCH!"

The rest of the Avengers came through the very same hole in the roof, going straight for the armed HYDRA guards on the speaker’s floor and pummeling them to the ground. Seeing her options shrinking the green clad villainess pulled an object from behind her belt, pulling its pin before throwing it at the demigod overhead. "You shall not be the one to stop me today, HYDRA shall rule the world!"

Although it didn’t hurt him the grenade caused enough of a blast to blind the man like a smoke bomb, just enough time for Madam Viper to turn and run, making a bee-line for the emergency exit. But as soon as she got there she collided face first into the furry cleavage one particular Avenger and fell straight on her rear. "BAH! Who dares to hinder me in my esca- HOLY HELL WOMAN!" Bug eyed in shock Madam Viper could only gawk at the furry giantess standing between her and the door. "What did you do? Exercise or just eat the trainer at the gym?!"

"Oh har har… "Grabbing the woman by the back of her jacket Tigra lifted the woman up high enough that her black leather boots dangled under her grip. "HEY GUYS." Called out the giant tiger woman and gaining the attention of her teammates. "Anyone wanted a green leather wrapped bitch? If you’re lucky she might start doing her evil ‘I’ll be back’ rant in front of you."

"Unhand me… You overgrown… Orange… CUNT!"

The entire room fell deathly silent, the Avengers, the HYDRA guards and diplomats stunned to low gasps of shock, until a frightened scream filled the auditorium. "AH! SHE BIT ME!!!"

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