
Who is sucking Mesmero's giant green meat?

by burke_rakers
Storyline Master PC, Version 3.0!
Previous Chapter Emma Frost, Colossus, Storm and Bishop have tracked the missing X-Men to a circus...

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   She sucked Mesmero's magnificent cock like she always had. After all, she loved her man. Had always loved her man. When Charlene 'Cha-Cha' Xavier was a whore in Tijuana, she'd always dreamed of someday having a rich, American lover who would take her away from the daily grind of her boring life. But...how could a worthless little puta like her be worthy of such a man.

   Then Mesmero came to her, and told her she - yes, SHE - was the worlds most powerful telepath! 
   From that day forward, her life was a dream. She used her powers for her wonderful Mesmero, and he fucked her every night, and let her dance for money in the Hootchie-Kootchie tent on the midway. He'd never marry her, of course. She WAS still just an anonymous piece of road pussy. But she could suck his dick, give him all the money she made, and have the honor of calling herself Mesmero's 'girlfriend' in public! Such a wonderful life!
   He came in a gush, and she sucked his dick dry, sighing in delight as the salty/sweet liquid filled her belly. She smiled up at him, light a cigarette, and sang "Ay, Caramba, Meester Mesmero! Ju deek taste so BUENO! I yam so happy to be ju girlfriend!"
   Mesmero looked down at the loyal, simple little whore he'd reduced Charles Xaviar to. He'd need to have allies on his side when he faced Jean Grey. Or, 'Black Phoenix'. He knew he'd really changed her and her companions, but...something had happened. He'd started working on Cyclops, and some corner of Jeans mind had lashed out, scooping them all up and away with a loud "Ain't NOBODY be fuckin' wid MAH MAN!!!"
   She was out there...and for some reason, his Master PC hadn't been able to find her...or any of them. He knew some other X-Men were in his Circus now. Like that Gambit fellow. He'd enjoyed playing with him, liking the theatrical drag queen he'd made of him. He'd even let Remi LeBeau think of himself has his 'Talent Scout', and given him a cellphone with a mobile version of the Master PC program. He'd sent him out with a description of the other X-Men, and 'carte blanche' to handle them as he saw fit. He decided to contact Remi to see what was going on.
   Scott was admiring the seesaw sway of Black Phoenix's ass...and she was obviously enjoying the attention. Poor Kitty had been ruined by Mesmero, and Logan...well, that was at least funny...but Jean had become his dream girl. Loyal, unquestioning and totally supportive of his wants, he'd found she was everything he could ever want in a lover. Perhaps...this didn't ALL have to go back to normal. And if somehow he found that he couldn't remove all the changes...well, it would be too bad, but not the end of the world. He reached out and gave Genie Black's awesome ass a healthy squeeze, and she sang out "Aw, baby...you knows whut dis bitch needs!"
   Once he'd satisfied them each (again) he'd been able to convince them that he needed to get back to the circus, but that he also loved them 'just as they were' and didn't want to 'change them'. They all seemed to want to do as he ordered them, and it was only fear for their...what? Existance? Yes...they feared he'd somehow 'erase' them, replacing them with an 'unhappy neurotic', 'violent barbarian' and 'brainy know-it-all', instead of the (by their standards) awesome people they were.
   Scott had a lot to think about, but...he was sure he'd make the right choice...when the time came.

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