
Emma Frost senses Professor X...then something seems to distract her.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Master PC, Version 3.0!
Previous Chapter Who is sucking Mesmero's giant green meat?

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Emma Frost sensed Professor X. He was here somewhere.

She reached out her mind, trying to pin-point it... and then something else distracted her.
It was a long white banner with pink letters, loudly announcing an appearance by the "Beautiful Behemoth! The Mistress of Mass! Always hungry for good food and good men! The Great White Queen!"
* * *
"We -- we're looking for some people," Colossus said. 
"Mmmm, you 'ave found some, cheri," Remi cooed. "'Here, 'ow about I give you 'andsome men a tour?"
The drag queen took Colossus and Bishop's hands.
"I show you everyt'ing, no?"
He was getting hard. Surely Master would not mind if he played with these two studs a little.
* * *
"So, you are fine with this?" Scott asked.
Lola purred as he rubbed against Scott's side. "Lola follow hees beeg strong mahn anymore he want Lola to go. Mmmm, you in charge of Lola, Scotty dah-ling."
Scott got hard as the horny sissy nuzzled his neck. He couldn't help himself. This new version of Wolverine was surprisingly sexy.
"Yeah, you da boss, Scott," Genie Black said.  "You say what'cha want an' dis bitch does it. I knows who mah man be, Scotty."
* * *
"A few more X-Men to join the circus," Mesmero said.
The former Professor X didn't give a fuck about them. "They become all ju putas, Meeser Mesmero? Oooo, ju so clever!"
Charlene was so happy to find such a smart American man to be her boyfriend. One who kept her well-stocked in booze, drugs, and pretty, pretty clothes.

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