
Supergirl is next

by Cantraps
Storyline Soul Drain
Characters Wonder Woman Power Girl Supergirl
Category Corruption
Previous Chapter Diana helps Powergirl defeat Etrigan

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Smallville - The next day

Supergirl hear the screams from miles away. In an instant she knew they were coming from the Kent farm. Superman was on the other side of the galaxy dealing with an intergalactic threat and Kara had promised to keep an eye on his parents while he was away. She flew over the town, noticing how quiet it was. In a few seconds she had landed at the farm. 

A quick scan with her X-ray vision showed the buildings were all empty. Then she heard it again, a scream from behind the barn. Kara took to the air and floated over the farm. In the middle of one of the corn fields was a huge hole. Supergirl lowered herself down into it. The hole turned into a cave, dimly lit by some unknown light source. A shadow moved up ahead.
“Stop right there,” said Kara.

A whispered response came through the darkness.
“Supergirl. Wonderful. She said you would come. Please come and visit with me before you go and find her.”
With a dart of speed Kara rounded the corner. She stood, horrified. The bloodless corpses of Jonathan and Martha Kent lay on the ground. Behind them a beautiful white skinned woman, barely dressed in black latex strapping, lay basking in a stream of blood. Behind her were hundreds of corpses, the rest of Smallville’s population.
“Hey there Kara,” whispered the woman.
“My god! What did you do?” gasped Supergirl.
“Me? Oh, I killed them, I killed them all and drank their blood. I was hungry and I thought it might satiate me. I was wrong, but hey, it was fun anyway.”
“You’re a monster!” cried Kara.
“I guess I am. Yesterday I wasn’t. Yesterday we were friends. Now you don’t even recognise me!”
“Karen? Oh my god! Who did this to you? Why?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, you can! She’d like to meet you. She’s waiting for you. Just head up! And don’t worry about me. I like the way I am now, and I’m done killing. For the moment. You go and see her, then come back and visit.”
Kara had no choice. Whoever had done this to Powergirl needed to be stopped. At full speed Kara punched a hole through the roof of the cave and flew directly up. Powergirl watched her go and waved.
“Fly my friend, you’ll be joining me soon, Diana will see to that,” she hissed.


Kara soon found what she was looking for. Floating a hundred miles above Smallville was a lone figure, clad in black and green.

“Supergirl. i see you got my message. Did you enjoy meeting your old and my new friend.”
“Reverse what you did to Powergirl and I might let you live,” snarled Supergirl.
“Attitude, I like it! What I did to Powergirl is quite permanent I’m afraid. I took her soul. The woman you knew is quite gone.”
“You monster! Who are you? Why did you do this?”
“Who I am and who I was is not important. What is important is what you’re going to be,” said Diana, glancing behind Kara at the approaching meteor storm. She had timed it perfectly.
Before Kara had a chance to turn she felt an immense crack on the back of her head. Her vision swam and started to fade. The last thing she saw was the woman looming over her holding an evil looking black whip that was slowly splitting at the end.
“You’ll be mine Kara Zor’El. But your corruption I will savour. I’ll watch you descend slowly. Soon you’ll beg me to let you serve me.”

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